I thought I was pretty smart finding some moves on the intarwebz. Here is my version of the "lawnmower".
Then I found the similar, yet subtly different "bicycle".
I don't know why Mom and Samwise fell to the floor laughing. I thought I did a great job! Mom muttered something about "white boy [can't] dance moves".
So then I thought I'd get some Culture and found the "can can".
and, well, nobody is a dancer unless they can do "Elaine's Dance"!
what do you guys think...am I ready to quit agility for a life of dance competitions??!
Speckles!! Mom says your mom is trying to break you!! You better be careful! Whenever my grandpaw makes me dance like that, mom tells him to be careful and not break me! Besides, agility is the bomb! You totally don't want to quit!!